The Fixed Earth Sign
by Penny Astrology
Physical touch is very important. They may even feel that they are lacking vital information in regards to chemistry and compatibility if they are unable to touch you. Nonetheless, they often end up in long distance relationships, perhaps because Taurus Venus likes the excitement of building up suspense before the next touch.
Who is Venus in Taurus compatible with?
Venusian Taureans are most compatible with other Earth signs and Water signs.
Watch this video to decide for yourself who is the best match for your inner bull.
This video includes loads of information about what they are like in a relationship, for better or worse. Some people are very compatible and some people aren’t
Sex with them will vary depending on their Mars sign, but there are certain similarities across the board for all Taurus Venus people.
Compatibility will also vary depending on other planetary placements and aspects, so you really have to look at the whole chart in order to find your soulmate.
Their best match, if you ignore all other aspects of the chart, would have to be their fellow Taurus Venus people, Venus in Cancer, Venus in Virgo, Venus in Scorpio, or Venus in Capricorn.
Venus in Aries with Venus in Taurus is interesting, but they do not always understand each other. The same thing goes for their compatibility with Venus in Gemini, Venus in Libra, and Venus in Sagittarius.
Venus in Leo would be challenging for them due to a clash of opinions, as would Venus in Aquarius, and even Venus in Scorpio… despite Venus in Scorpio being a good match for them in other ways.
People with Venus in the 2nd House will relate to certain aspects of what I’ve said in the video.
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Best Wishes,
Penny Astrology