Horoscopes for the July 21st Full Moon

June 21st harbored a full moon in the earliest degrees of Capricorn, signifying the start of an ambitious journey. 
If you’re a(n)…
Aries The journey is related to long-term ambitions.
Taurus You embarked on a journey to higher wisdom.
Gemini You took much needed steps towards accepting what is.
Cancer New growth allowed you to begin forging a bond, even in a strained relationship. 
Leo A significant turnaround in your regime helped you move towards flourishing livelihood. 
Virgo You took your first steps in a journey towards bringing a profound vision to life. 
Libra You were coaxed with reason to secure your home.
Scorpio Communication barriers revealed themselves, perhaps even at their very root.
Sagittarius Obstacles to securing your future were bravely scaled.
Capricorn Motivation for a new realm of self-improvement emerged. 
Aquarius You began a spiritual excavation process, leading you to the depths of your soul, revealing a deeper source of motivation and purpose.
Pisces Revealed to you was a new reason for building up your community.

See Your June 21st Oracle Reading

July 21st  will reveal a mark of rapid progress. You’ve grown so much already, even from the seed you planted just in June.

Usually, the full moon in Capricorn happens only once a year. The quick completion of this cycle is happening over the course of one month, rather than one year.

|In essence, this could easily be whole year’s worth of progress, made in only one month.
Aries You’ve taken a leap in your career and will make swift and influential progress.
Taurus You’re coming to a profound realization, finding strength in the truth. 
Gemini As you begin to see beyond the struggle, you catch a blissful glimpse of the new life you’ve been building. 
Cancer You forge a bond of trust, seeing eye to eye with someone who once felt like an enemy. 
Leo Conquering an obstacle that once seemed impossible, you’re making wellness seem effortless.
Virgo Your vision may have seemed questionable, but alas, you have brought a new contribution to life.
Libra You’ve made a substantial change to your home. It may be a rocky start, but you are doing good and laying down a new foundation.
Scorpio A small, but profound revelation is leading you to healthier relationship dynamics.
Sagittarius You’ve laid down a fruitful foundation. Rapid growth emerges while a brighter future blooms on the horizon.
Capricorn seems to be an entirely new person, with many inspiring changes.

Aquarius is on a mission, unstoppable, saying “no” to anything that stands in their way . 

Pisces has revitalized their social circle, growing deeply rooted connections with others. 

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